E-mail Marketing – Best Practices for Nonprofits

E-mail Marketing

Why do e-mail marketing? Contrary to some reports, e-mail is not going away. It still holds its place in a nonprofit’s overall marketing plan. Plus the automated e-mail marketing services […]


8 Best Practices for Nonprofit Websites

Website Design Illustration

Not far behind word-of-mouth referrals and email campaigns, websites rank high for growing members and revenue. A nonprofit’s website is the hub of your marketing efforts. This is where visitors […]


Planning Virtual Event Communications

Virtual Event Communications

Prior to March 2020 this article would have looked considerably different. I applaud how quickly and efficiently nonprofits have embraced the Virtual Event format and how well organized most of […]


Your Website: DIY or Hire a Developer?

Keeping Your Website Up-To-Date

In the age of hacking, keeping your website core application and plugin extensions up to date is critical. Each update will have addressed the vulnerabilities that have most recently come […]


The State of Web Hosting: Finding a Five Star Experience

Five Star Web Hosting

For a business owner, dealing with a hosting provider has been a necessary evil if he or she wants to have a website. The array of choices has kept most proprietors perplexed:

Should I go with a big company or “buy local?”
By what criteria should I choose a hosting company?
What is a fair price?
And what am I paying for anyway?


Curiosity – The Defining Trait of a Successful Salesperson

Curious Parrot

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
– e. e. cummings
Anyone in sales, whether an entrepreneur or sales manager of a global organization, knows that people buy based on emotion. Yes, they will weigh the pros and cons of your product or service, but all things being equal they will buy if they feel a connection with their salesperson. Tomes have been written on how to make that connection with a prospect. I can recall tips from various sales trainers:


It’s 10am. Do you know where your clients are?

This past week I had a very interesting networking experience. I met with a young woman – the daughter of one of my networking buddies – who, in addition to her college school work, an internship, and keeping up with her many friends, has started a design business that encompasses branding and website design plus e-mail and social media marketing. My first reaction was awe. Awe of her focus and energy at the often turbulent age of 21.

I remember the energy….


6 Easy Steps to Make Your WordPress Site More Secure

WordPress Security

Hacking of WordPress sites has become an unfortunate epidemic, but there are several things you can do to make sure that your site does not fall victim.

1. Make sure your User Name is something other than “admin.” Hackers always begin with “admin” as a user name and cycle through passwords, attempting to log into WordPress sites.
2. Choose a Password that is…


Is “WordPress Security” an Oxymoron?

WordPress Security

Frequently, when I’m speaking with someone about developing a WordPress website, I hear the comment, “But WordPress sites get hacked.” Yes, some do. However there are steps you can take to make sure YOUR site isn’t one of them. Two fronts need to be defended….